The Library will be closed on Tuesday, December 24 and Wednesday, December 25 in observation of the Christmas holiday.

Print, Scan, & Fax

SCPL has a scanning and fax solution available to patrons without cost.


There are two SimpleScan stations in the Public Computing area for patron use.

  • Utilize the 22” touchscreen to scan and send a fax or digitize old photos and send them to a USB drive or an email account.
  • Flatbed Scanner – A document can be placed anywhere on the 11” x 17” flatbed, at any angle and the ScanEZ Station will straighten and fix that document.  Patented book-edge design eliminates blurry or dark imaging in a book’s gutter area – designed to protect your book’s spine
  • Sheetfed Scanner —Scan both sides of the page in a single pass at 60 pages per minute. Will accommodate a maximum paper size of 8.5” x 14” and a minimum size as small as ID Cards.
  • The ScanEZ automatically crops, straightens, and orients every scan as it is processed.
  • The SimpleScan system is capable of translation services of typeface documents.
  • The SimpleScan system can also upload your scanned files to Dropbox, OneDrive, and Google Drive.


It’s easy to use! Please stop by the Technology Help Desk for a demonstration and become an expert with SimpleScan.



Print Release

ePRINTit lets you easily print documents, emails and web content from your computer or wireless device to the Library.



You can send print jobs from anywhere, even from home. There are no print drivers or additional software to install.


From your email account on any device, send:


or from the ePRINTit portal:

  • select your file to print
  • change any of the print options (optional)
  • enter a username or library card number
  • enter an email address or phone number for notifications
  • to pay and release your prints at the library, tap the Webprint User screen on our coin tower and enter the username or library card number you entered in the ePRINTit options


You should know:

  • All printing done through ePRINTit is retrieved when the Library is open.
  • Your print job will require your username or library card number, and payment before the job can be printed.
  • Cost to print b/w or color is 20 cents per page. You may pay by cash, credit or debit (MasterCard or Visa).
  • Unclaimed print jobs are deleted 24 hours after they are sent to the Library printers.